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Awards Committee Seeks Nominations

The charge of the committee is to recognize the accomplishments of members of NYSPMA. Its goal is to identify and honor those individuals and/or institutions that have set themselves apart through their actions, achievements, and dedication to podiatry and to NYSPMA.

Many of our members donate their time, resources, and efforts to the Podiatric profession. They are typically people who work tirelessly toward their goals which benefit others without expectation of personal gain.
We are asking for your help to identify those individuals by submitting nominations so that we can appropriately recognize those who are deserving.

Please click here to review the award descriptions and submit any and all nominations for review to the committee. If you would like a printable version of this information, click here.

Call For Board & HOD Nominations

It is time to make known any interest in running for the NYSPMA Board of Trustees, and/or as a Delegate to the 2018 APMA House of Delegates.

 The following seats are open for the 2017-2018 year: 

Interviews will be held at the Clinical Conference in NYC in January 2017, so if you are planning to run for any of these positions, this would be an ideal opportunity to be interviewed by the Nominating Committee. Elections take place at the NYSPMA House of Delegates in 2017. 

Please send a letter of intent along with a current CV by email to Michael R. Borden CAE, Executive Director,

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